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AGM 23rd May - Agenda

AGM 23rd May - Agenda

CHC News4 May - 14:48
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Thursday 23rd May @19:30 Jubilee Club - Three Bridges

I look forward to seeing you at the AGM on 23rd May
- Adrian

Dear Club member,

AGM 2024

Date: Thursday 23rd May 2024, 7:30pm (Please be ready and seated by 7:30pm)

Venue: The Jubilee Club, Jubilee Walk, Three Bridges, Crawley, RH10 1LQ

The Crawley Hockey Club Annual General Meeting will be held at the Jubilee Club in the rear bar area on May 23rd 2024 and all full senior members are invited to attend.

The agenda is as follows:

1. Welcome and apologies for absence
2. Approval of the minutes of the last AGM - 8th June 2023
3. Chairperson's report
4. Junior report
5. Club Captains report
6. Treasurer's report
7. Vote & acceptance of proposal for Membership and Match Fees 2024/25
8. Constitution Amendments
9. 2024/25 Leagues
10. Umpiring requirements
11. Election of committee
12. AOB

Closing Comments and Finish (aiming for 9:00pm)

If you are unable to attend and would like this noted under point 1. Apologies for Absence, would you please communicate this via email to Ian Berry (Club Secretary) via email to

Please send in nominations for any of the committee roles. All nominees should indicate in writing their willingness to be nominated and have a proposer and seconder. If required, voting for the election of roles will be carried out at the AGM.

Please send any nominations of any of the roles or any items you wish to raise as AOB to Ian Berry via email by Monday 20th May.
This year, the following required positions have vacancies.

Chairperson - Adrian will be standing down as Chairperson this year due to his personal circumstances. We need another individual to step up to this position.

Junior Coordinator - Rachel is standing down after 12 amazing years in this role.

Social Secretary - We really need someone in this role that can help arrange social events which are an important part of the fundraising for the club.

If you think you have the skills or would like further information then please express your interest to any committee member.

Nominations received for elected Committee positions are as below. Please note that these could change before the AGM.

Position Current 2023/24 -Proposed 2024/25
President Sym Savage
Chairperson (req) Adrian Bettesworth - Vacant
Secretary (req) Ian Berry - Ian Berry
Treasurer (req) Keith Frimley - Natasha Petschel
Club Captain/s (req) Jamie Westwood / - Jamie Westwood /
Sara Bolton - Sara Bolton
Welfare Officer (req) Daryl Luxford - Daryl Luxford
Junior Coordinator Rachel Cordery - Vacant
Development Coordinator Daryl Luxford - Daryl Luxford
Umpire Coordinator ** Vacant - Vacant
Social Secretary Vacant - Vacant
Ladies 1st XI Captain Natasha Petschel - Natasha Petschel
Ladies 2nd XI Captain Hannah Pushman - Hannah Pushman
Mens 1st XI Captain Terry Skeet - Terry Skeet
Mens 2nd XI Captain Scott Gibbons - Scott Gibbons
Mens 3rd XI Captain Alex Foxcroft - Vacant
Mens 4th XI Captain Kieran Nixon / Mark Roach - Kieran Nixon
Web / Social Media
/ Pitchero Manager (req) Keith Frimley - Kieran Nixon
** The Umpire Coordinator role is currently fulfilled by a subcommittee. However with this year only having appointed umpires for only a small number of games we really need a single contact for the Martlets League Umpire Coordinator to liaise with.

Further reading